Sunday 12 August 2012

Life through net curtains

There's a view, predominantly a middle class one, that net curtains are to be despised.  In my youth I heard people who had put them up in windows facing the street regret the "necessity".  It is something I absorbed with the culture but I have finally freed myself from the prejudice.

Fitting out a new home some degree of privacy protection has been at the fore of my mind and with windows both back and front for strangers to look through I have taken to net curtains like a synthetic pervert.

It's been educational.  I have, for instance, learned that what mother called nets were - or at least are in today's marketing speak - voiles: the first net curtains I had at the last place were just that, net, and rather unsatisfactory.  I like plain - which can be tiresome at time when only patterned or lacy affairs seem to be on offer.  Triple gather isn't quite as privacy-giving opaque as the sellers imply.

Still, front and back are now curtained; the living room and dining room in new, quintuple gathered, bright white, polyester voiles; as will the remaining windows of the house be when the budget allows replacement of the older, reused ones.

They may not really be nylon (were "nylon nets" ever so?) but they feel right, as I remember from years ago.  And if you need to think about why the feel might be important...   Oh, I shan't explain.

Next I shall experiment with hanging them as internal partitions.

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